Friday, February 21, 2020

Day 2!

- Decimal Test Tuesday
- Pancake Tuesday on February 25th
- Pink Shirt Day: February 26th
- Bake Sale: February 25th & 26th

March Lunches
The lunch site is still open!
It will close Wednesday, February 26th at 3:00pm sharp

Special of the month: French Toast with Whipped Cream and Syrup
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by March 6th.

Caribou Math Contest:
This message is only for those participating in the Caribou Math Contest. 
The next Caribou contest will be taking place Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. Students are to arrive at 7:15 am for a 7:30 am start. They should bring their own charged devices.
The interactive question for Grades 2-10 will be Bomb Defuser and for Grade 11/12 it will be GeomeTree requiring a construction involving lines and circles. Because Caribou’s GeomeTree site can be used to solve the interactive question, this site will be blocked at noon on Tuesday, February 25th. Both interactive questions are accessible from Caribou’s Games/History page.

Music, French & Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 

Jump Rope for Heart
We had a Jump Rope for Heart assembly today to inform us some information on heart health and how we can help make our heart stronger. In this presentation we also learned about signs of a stroke to inform students of the signs in case their parents, loved ones of individuals around them exhibit these symptoms. Fundraising packages went home yesterday. As mentioned in the presentation, there are quite a bit of rewards that are offered through online when you reach certain amounts in your fundraising, so be sure to check out the website from the package. Donations will be collected up until March break.

Morning Chat
This morning we took some time to chat about our feelings and acceptance of others. I have noticed that when doing group or partner work some of us are not very kind to others when they're asked to be someones partner. In class I always emphasis how we all learn at different paces and have different sets of skills and how we need to recognize this and be accepting of our differences. In our discussion students raised their hands to express whether they've experienced someone refusing to be their partner or if they've ever been the one to refuse to work with someone else. This led to students sharing how it feels to be on both ends of this situation and the thoughts they have when it happens to them. I hope it shed some light on how our actions towards others can affect their self-esteem, confidence and thoughts about themselves. We discussed the benefits of working with peers who may not have as much knowledge or skill as us in some areas, along with the benefits of working with peers who have more knowledge/skills in that area. In addition to this, we discussed appropriate times we may say "no" to being someones partner with an appropriate explanation that won't hurt their feelings, such as:
- They're always partners and want to work with someone new
- They're not getting along today so it's probably best we don't work together
- Every time we work together we get distracted so I think it's best we find different partners
I hope that students took a lot away from this conversation and that they become more inclusive of all peers in our classroom in any given situation. 
Here is a cute video on how kind actions can impact others: We will watch this in class on Monday!

Inquiry into Language
Students continued to work on their narrative rough drafts today. Those who finished began to do their revision and editing. Next week we will learn about peer editing and students will have the opportunity to edit their peers work.

Inquiry into Math
Students worked on their math review today. Our review is due on Monday since our Decimals test will be on Tuesday. Happy studying this weekend!
In the picture above,  A LOT of students started to count on with 1.6, 1.8, 1.10, 1.12... As a class we looked at how this was incorrect. If we go on with 1.10 and 1.12 that means that those values are larger than the previous values, 1.6 and 1.8, but this ISN'T the case. 
1.10 is smaller than 1.8 because 1.8 is really 1.80. This is that higher-level thinking that I would like to see the students begin to do; recognizing when the numbers just DON'T MAKE SENSE and then questioning why this is so. This comes with reflecting on the problem and checking over our work. 
To solve this, you can see how we noticed we are adding 0.20 each time, so we continued to add this on to each number (as you can see in red). I would like to see students doing this extra step to help them get to the correct answer. 

Unit of Inquiry
We didn't get to explore natural forces further today, however hopefully we will get to that next week! Today students were introduced to their summative, where they will have to build a device, with their partner, that will help prevent or improve an environmental issue that exists. Students were assigned their partners and given a list of environmental issues to choose from. 
For homework this weekend, students need to research their environmental issue and write down their findings in the research section of their package. After doing so, they can brainstorm some ideas of a device they can create to share with their partner on Monday. No materials should be purchased or brought in on Monday since they cannot start constructing their device until it has been approved by me. 

- Math review due Monday
- UOI summative Research due Monday
- Narrative Draft due Monday

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