Thursday, January 23, 2020

Day 1!

- Oral Competition to return to school everyday
Re-registration packages due February 18th, 2020
- Bring $$ tomorrow for the Farmers Market
- Math test Monday

Re-registration Forms
Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on waitlists.
In addition, the deadline for our  priority enrollment into our JK Program is Friday, January 17, 2020.
If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team.

Mr. Foster’s Farmers Market and Ms. Gandy’s Groceries

As part of their summative assessment the grade one classes have decided to open a market to complement their Organization Unit. The market will include fruits, vegetables, drinks and other healthy snacks. It will be held in rooms 12 and 18. The market will take place all day tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th. All profits made will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

Music, French & Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 

Happy Thursday!
We had another great day today! It was Abeer's birthday and we got to pick another name from our working hard box!

Unit of Inquiry
Students practiced presenting their arguments for their debates tomorrow. 

Inquiry into Language
Students picked a partner and presented their speeches to each other. They also provided each other with some peer feedback. We also visited the Grade 1s Farmer's Market!

Inquiry into Math
We started by taking up some of the conversion questions from our homework last night. We also used some measuring cups to demonstrate how 1000 mL make up 1L. 
Then we moved on to solving one of our mass and capacity problem solving questions. After reading the problem to students, I had them discuss with their peers how we could solve it. Then they shared their ideas and we solved the problem together. We did this for both parts of he questions.
Then, students were put into groups to complete a problem solving question, which was connected to mass but also related back to our equations unit. One of the groups was able to solve the problem on their own. As time passed, I began to give students more clues on how they could solve the problem. By the end of it, most students reached the correct answer.
Lastly, our math review was handed out. Students are to complete this by tomorrow so we can take it up to prepare for their test.

- Math review due tomorrow- Spelling test tomorrow
- Practice speech
- Practice debate
- Bring back re-registration packages

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