Thursday, November 14, 2019

Day 6!

- Aftercare Payments due tomorrow
- Lunch orders due November 20th by 3:00 p.m.
- Science Fair Presentations open for Parents from 2:30- 3:15 tomorrow
- Yoga Monday-wear Gym Uniform
- Operation Christmas Child donations due Monday
- Christmas Concert costume form & money due November 22nd

December Lunch Orders
The lunch site is now open
It will close Wednesday, November 20th at 3:00pm 
Special of the month: Spaghetti and Beef Meatballs, available every Friday. 
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by December 6th.

Science Fair
Today we had to assemble our Science Fair board and get ready to present to the judge, who came to our class later in the morning. Students wrote the good copy of their section, then we pasted these on our science fair board in sequence of how we were going to present it. We wanted to make sure that our information was organized in a matter that made it easy to follow. We practiced our presentations several times before the judge came. I think the students did a fantastic job presenting our science fair experiment. Our judge surprised us with a question about whether we thought the type of salt used would have affected our results, since the salt we used was table salt, but this isn't the type of salt we use to melt the snow on the ground in the winter. The students were a little stumped with this question, and were a little concerned as to why we used table salt instead of the salt we use to melt snow. After the judging was over, we talked about the importance of thinking of a logical response to respond to a judges comment/question as this is a skill they will be working towards developing. Any answer is better than no answer. As for the type of salt we used, we discussed what the effect was on the ice cubes: it caused them to melt more. Similar to the salt we use when it snows, that also causes the snow to melt to prevent it from freezing. In conclusion, we were able to make the connection that our experiment reached a similar result, even though we used a different type of salt. 
Before we presented to the judge, we engaged in some meditation to help clear our minds of all the work we put into our presentation board this morning.

Unit of Inquiry
Today we learned about how a similar situation may impact people in different ways and what being resilient means. Resilient means that you are able to bounce back from challenging situations/experiences. Some of us shared some instances where we were resilient, and we discussed the importance of continuing to demonstrate resilience as we grow older and become adults. We watched a couple clips that shared how we can become resilient, along with what resilience looks like.
What is Resilience? How can we become resilient?
What does Resilience look like?

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 10 + Sentences
- UOI Worksheets with a star
- Operation Christmas Child donations
- Christmas Concert form & money due Nov. 22nd

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