Monday, November 4, 2019

Day 6!

- Yoga on Wednesday: wear gym Uniform
- P.D. Day Friday

Yoga Session
Our first Yoga session will be this Wednesday, November 6th. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their gym uniforms and if they have one they can bring a yoga mat to use. If they don't have one, Gym mats will be provided. 

Mindfulness Summative Supplies
We will continue to work on our summative this week. Students are encouraged to reflect on the supplies they will need to complete their summative and purchase these over the course of the week. They will resume working on their scrapbooks on Wednesday. Some suggestions are:
- Magazines for letters
- Photos that represent a topic that will be included in their scrapbook
- Stickers & Letters for titles
- Crafty paper

Inquiry into Math
Students completed their division test first thing this morning. Once they finished this, they completed their Number Patterns Pre-test to show me what they remember about number patterns.

Unit of Inquiry
This morning we discussed how confidence is the belief one has about themselves and their abilities. We discussed how we may feel more confident in some scenarios, but less confident in others. Then we talked about the importance of not letting other "Dull our Shine". This ties in to how we react to negative interactions with others to prevent others from bringing us down. Later in the day we talked about the importance of having people that we trust in our lives as these people can help us get through some hard times. The people that you identify as "people you trust" are people that you can talk to about anything, go to for help and they will always have your back. Students will continue to work on identifying the people they trust tomorrow.

Inquiry into Language
Students are to complete the Lesson 9 worksheets in their workbook and complete a sentence for each word. Students are encouraged to reflect on the feedback I gave them on last weeks sentences to help improve their sentences for this week. Please ensure sentences have 8 or more words. 
Level C Words (Above)
Level B Words (Above)

Today we learned about Proportion and Value in art when creating our Poppy Art for Remembrance Day. First we talked about what Remembrance Day is and the events that take place. We listened to a story about how the poppy originated. Then students showed their understanding of value and proportion when they used a variety of black, white and grey papers to create the background to their poppy, along with red and black tissue to create their poppy. 
Poppy Story:

Science Fair
We started our Science Fair preparation today. We discussed the different components we will be doing and started to discuss what our experiment will consist of. In their booklets, students recorded our question, hypothesis and materials. After explaining the experiment to the class, they came up with some potential hypotheses we could have. Then, students put their heads down and we took a vote to see which hypothesis will be our class hypothesis for this experiment. We also brainstormed the list of materials we will need to complete this experiment, and recorded all of this in our science fair booklets. For homework, students have to do some research about what density is.

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 9 + Sentences
- UOI: Confidence Worksheet
- Science Fair: "What is density?"- Write this in the "background information" section of their science fair package
- Practice all times tables
- Sign summative & Return

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