Monday, November 25, 2019

Day 1!

- Bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday
- $2 Space Dress-down day tomorrow
- Casual Day Wednesday
- Report Cards go home Friday. Don't forget to pick a Student led conference time

Report Reflection
At the beginning of the day, we reflected on some of the things we learned this year to help the students write their report care reflection. In their reflection, they wrote about some of the things they learned, something they need to improve on and what they had fun doing this term!

Unit of Inquiry
At the beginning of the day, some students had the opportunity to share their SMART goals while the rest of the class reflected on whether it met each of the criteria of a SMART goal. It's important that our goal is measurable along with time-based. When we say time-based, students have to provide the amount of time they think they would need/ aim to want to accomplish that goal by. Time-based does not refer to how long you want to do something (ex. for 2 months). We also had a little discussion to further develop what mindfulness is and completed a mindfulness breathing activity. Through this activity, students practiced bringing their focus to their breathing to help clear their mind of thoughts. Once we completed this breathing activity we discussed what we liked about it, what we didn't like about it, how we felt before, after and during the activity and what was hard about it.
This afternoon we learned about Positive Self-Talk and the students created a mini cutout with Positive affirmations that they often think along with positive affirmations they want to begin using. Below are some examples of what their "Positive Affirmation Selves" look like. They also wrote a letter to their future self expressing things they'd like to know about their life when they're that age. Once all letters are finished, students will put them in an envelope and include them in their scrapbook to read in the future.
At the end of the day we read a book called "ABC Mindful Me" and reflected on all the ways we can practice being mindful. Some students took turns reading the last couple pages of the book. We made the connection that this book is similar to the writing style of Dr. Seuss; they both rhyme.

Inquiry into Language
This week in spelling is a review week. Our spelling test will be on Friday
Level B Words (blue book)
- face, save, paint, sail, mind, line, nice, mile, few, true, cute, tune, coat, over, low, sold, clean, keep, easy, real

Level C Words (purple book)
- mostly, joke, huge, stone, music, human, flute, people, steel, read, seat, greeting, beach, east, smile, best, spend, sting, float, friends, bring, kind, floors, blaze, Friday, fresh, please, special, anyway, hungry, family, heavy, maybe, always

Music, French and Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child did during Music, Gym, and French.
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
French with Mme. Rawan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 

- Spelling Lesson 12
- Spelling Test Friday
- UOI Letter to Future self & Positive Self-talk worksheet
- Cursive Writing pgs. 32-35 due Friday
- Read for 30 minutes

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