Monday, October 7, 2019

Day 6!

- Gym is Tomorrow
- Aftercare invoices are due October 15th
- Casual Forms and $$ due October 25th
- Sign and return math test
- Spelling test is Thursday since Friday is a holiday. 

International Day
International Day is quickly approaching. A letter was sent home today explaining what St. Jude's Academy does for International Day. Our class will be representing GREECE! Each student has been partnered up, and they have been assigned a topic to research. The topic they are assigned is highlighted on the letter that went home. Please have your child research their topic and bring all their research findings to school by Thursday, October 10th. 

Summative Notes
A friendly reminder that your research for your summative is due tomorrow. Please ensure your child brings all their research with them to school tomorrow. They should not be summarizing their information at home. This will be done in class only. 
All supplies for your summative (poster boards, materials to build, etc.) must be brought in by Thursday.

Inquiry into Language
We began to work on Lesson 5 in our spelling workbooks today. Our spelling test is on Thursday.

Inquiry into Math
We began today's lesson with a quiz on the 1x table facts, and then another quiz on the 9x table facts. Students were given 5 minutes to complete each of these quizzes, then we took them up as a class. Students used their pens to self-correct their own quiz. This allows them to reflect on which times tables they need to become more familiar with and practice at home. I have sent home a multiplication chart for your child to use at home to practice and start to memorize their multiplication facts, up to 10 x 10. We will have a daily quiz on the multiplication facts to become more familiar with them. 
After that, we watched a video about odd and even numbers. It's important that students understand what makes a number odd or even, and that they are able to identify odd and even numbers. Even numbers can be split into two equal groups. Odd numbers can never be split into even groups (as a whole number). Understanding odd and even numbers helps us reflect on whether the product to our multiplication fact makes sense. 
Ex: any number multiplied by an even number will equal an even number (it will end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
When two odd numbers are multiplied together, they equal an odd number (it will end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
Finally, we looked at patterns in our 2x, 5x and 10x multiplication facts. Students began by stating the multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Then we had a discussion on what they noticed in each set of multiples.
Multiples of 2:
- All multiples of 2 are even numbers
- There is a pattern, the ones digit is always a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, and it repeats in this order

Multiples of 5:
- All multiples of 5 end in either a 0 or a 5.
- If you multiply 5 by an odd number, your product is odd (ends in a 5).
- If you multiply 5 by an even number, your product is even (ends in a 0).

Multiples of 10:
- All multiples of 10 end in a 0. 
- The tens value is the same digit as the factor you are multiplying 10 by, then you add a zero to the end of that digit.
Students completed two rows on their 2x, 5x and 10x multiplication facts worksheet, then we took them up to see if they were on track. Students continued to work on these, along with multiplication circles for their 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x tables. As we become more familiar with our multiplication facts, you will notice your child moving more away from skip counting on their fingers, and more towards recalling the product of the multiplication fact. 

Unit of Inquiry
Students learned about the essential items families needed to pack in their wagon when they were going on a long journey. We discussed the importance of distinguishing between a want and a need, as it was important to think of these things when the Europeans traveled on long journeys as their was a weight capacity that their wagons could hold. Students were broken up into groups where they had to complete a "pack your wagon" activity, revolving around negotiating with their group members which items were most important to them, then having to calculate what their total weight added up to.

Check out what your child did during French today by visiting Mme. Rawan's blog:

Check our Ms. Hayward's blog for any updates or events going on:  Today our class learned about how to do research on a computer.

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math worksheets with a star on them
- Spelling Lesson 5
- Practice 9x and 5x table
- Summative research due tomorrow
- International Day research due Thursday
- Spelling test Thursday
- Sign & return math test

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