Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Day 1!

- Gym is Thursday
- Aftercare invoices are due October 15th
- Casual Forms and $20 due October 25th
- Sign and return math test
- Spelling test is Thursday since Friday is a holiday.
- No school on Friday and Monday 

International Day
International Day is quickly approaching. A letter was sent home yesterday explaining what St. Jude's Academy does for International Day. Our class will be representing GREECE! Each student has been partnered up, and they have been assigned a topic to research. The topic they are assigned is highlighted on the letter that went home. Please have your child research their topic and bring all their research findings to school by Thursday, October 10th. 

Unit of Inquiry
Students began to work on their summative jot notes today. Prior to beginning, I demonstrated what this should look like by reading an article about Who the Pioneers were, and demonstrated my thinking when creating jot notes. I wrote a couple jot notes down, then demonstrated what it would look like to put my jot notes into a paragraph using complete sentences. 
The students went off to work on highlighting the most important information from one topic, then began to put this information into jot notes in their summative packages. They really enjoyed doing this as a lot of students were asking if we could continue in the afternoon. We will spend a good chunk of time working on our summatives tomorrow.

Inquiry into Math
We began with two more quick multiplication quizzes on the 5x and 2x tables, then took these up as a class. I was very happy to see the excitement the students expressed once we finished taking them up as they had done very well on them. It's great to hear that students are only having to sometimes skip count to solve the products, while memorizing some of them as well. 

In class we reviewed the multiples of 4, 6, 7 and 8. After identifying the multiples for each of these numbers we discussed any patterns or things we noticed about the multiples in each set. We came to a couple conclusions:
- Any multiple of an even number (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) will always be an even number since 
an even number multiplied by an even number always equals an even number.
- Multiples of odd numbers can be odd or even (one multiple is odd, then even, odd, then even, and the pattern continues)
- When you multiply an odd number by an even number (ex. 7 x 2), your product is always even
- When you multiply and odd number by an odd number, your product is always odd.
These conclusions should help students reflect on whether or not the products they got for multiplication facts are reasonable or not. For example: If you multiply 8 x 4 and you get a product of 33, you should be able to recognize that this cannot be correct since one (or both) of your factors are even, which means my product should also be even. 
We had a fire drill today so we didn't get much time to get started on their 4x, 6x and 7x table math facts worksheets. 

Music, French and Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child did during Music and French
French with Mme. Rawan: https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com
Music with Mrs. McMillan: www.mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/ 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math worksheets with a star on them
- Spelling Lesson 5
- Practice 3x and 5x table
- International Day research due Thursday
- Spelling test Thursday

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