Thursday, October 3, 2019

Day 4!

- Gym is tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Field trip forms & money due Monday
- Aftercare invoices are due October 15th
- Summative forms are due back by Monday!

Inquiry into Language
This morning we read Chapter 8 of Little House in the Big Woods. As a class, we discussed what happened in the beginning and the end, the students went off to work on their Chapter 8 summary on their own. During our work period at the end of the day, students also had a chance to finish more of their novel study.

Inquiry into Math
Students began with a 3 minute multiplication "quiz" on their 0, 1 and 2 times table. After they finished this quiz, we took it up and discussed what we notice whenever we multiply a number by 0, 1 or 2. Then we had a friend come up to teach us a "9x table trick". After he demonstrated it, we walked through the steps on their worksheet together. As a class I asked for students to point to the finger that they were multiplying 9 by, then they had to tell me the answer. There was one more "9x table" trick, which you will see below. To use it, you have to write the numbers 0-9 in a column, then beside that column in the ones place, you would write the numbers 9-0, and it would form your products for your 9x tables. Students went on to working on their math worksheets independently.
In addition to this, we looked at the relationship between multiplication using "Fact Family Arrays". In "fact families," you use the same numbers, just rearranged in the equation.

Unit of Inquiry
We began to start formulating questions to pick from for our summative projects. The students were put into groups of 4, where they had to formulate higher-level thinking questions by using the question starters on the chart. ex. Why did... How would...

Check out what your child did during French today by visiting Mme. Rawan's blog:

- Read for 25 minutes
- Novel Study Ch. 7 & 8 due tomorrow
- Math worksheets with stars
- Math pg. 54, 55#1 & 56
- Spelling test tomorrow

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