Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Day 3!

- Gym is Friday
- Spelling test Friday
- Field trip forms & money due Monday

Inquirer Assembly
We began our day with our Learner Profile assembly. The learner profile we were looking out for in September was "Inquirer". Three of our friends received the Inquirer aware today!

Unit of Inquiry
We continued to explore maps of Canada before the European Settlers established settlements in Upper and Lower Canada. Students looked at two maps: one showed different groups of Indigenous Peoples who lived in Canada and which parts they resided in, and the second map displayed where European Settlers settled in Ontario and Quebec, and the number of immigrants that came to this area in the 1800s. The students had some really good discussions about what they noticed in all the maps we explored, how the land distribution was fair and unfair among Indigenous groups and European settlers, and how the demographics relate to Canada today. In addition to this, we completed some reflection questions together and students copied the responses onto their worksheet.

Inquiry into Math
We started our new unit today. This unit is all about Multiplication and Division. Over the course of this unit, students will be strengthening their understanding and knowledge of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10. In today's class, we looked at how to read a multiplication table, skip counting, arrays and how multiplication is similar to addition-- it is repeated addition.
As a class, we did some examples of skip counting and identifying how the terms when skip counting relate to the factor you multiply that number by. Take a look below:
The small red numbers on top of my multiples of 2 are the term numbers. When you multiply 2x2, you can look at your second term, which is 4, and that is your product (answer).
Then we did some examples of how to write a multiplication sentence using repeated addition and arrays. The vocabulary used to represent a multiplication sentence is ___ groups of ____.
ex. 4 x 3 is 4 groups of 3
We also went over the vocabulary used to describe each term in a multiplication fact. Your answer is always you product, the numbers you multiply together are called factors.
Lastly, we went over how to determine the multiplication fact for an array. When writing a multiplication fact for an array, your first factor is always the number of rows you have, and your second factor is your the number of columns you have. Your product, should be the total number of items in your array. It's crucial that students start to move away from counting the total number of pieces, and more towards recalling the product for that multiplication fact.
Looking at this array, the multiplication fact would be
5 x 3 = 15

Music, French and Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child did during Music and French
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math worksheets (with stars on them)
- Spelling due tomorrow
- Cursive pg. 16-19 due Friday

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