Thursday, September 19, 2019

Day 6!

- Gym is tomorrow!
- Spelling Test tomorrow
- Lunch orders due Wednesday, September 25th

SJA BBQ is TONIGHT! I look forward to seeing you all there! Tickets for the items you ordered were sent home with your child yesterday. Please ensure your child gives these to you as you will need them to receive your food at the BBQ tonight. Don't forget to bring them!

Fall Fundraiser 
Next weeks schedule is as follows-- only if you paid for the events. Please remember which events your child has paid for.


The Grades 3- 6 students will attend Glow Zone if they bring in a minimum of $40 in donations. Permission forms and pledge forms will be going home on Friday. All money and pledge forms will be due by next Friday. 
What's better than a pizza party... pizza and a movie!The top fundraising class wins a movie and pizza party! Let's go Ms. Foti's class! 

Community Circle
To start off our day, students completed a learner profile reflection, where they had to identify which learner profile they embody most, along with which one they have to improve on demonstrating. Once they identified these, they had explain how they embody that learner profile or why/how they need to improve the other learner profile.

Inquiry into Math
We began by completing an example of using friendly numbers to subtract. After this, we learned our final subtraction mental math strategy of "counting on". Once we went over an example for this strategy, students had a work period to complete pgs. 20, 21 and 28 in their workbooks. The workbooks do not provide students with enough space to show their work, so they are using their math notebooks to show their work. 
I taught the students how to organize their work in their notebooks such as: where the date, titles numbers and steps for each question go. We will be working on organization of work in our notebooks to ensure that our work is neat, tidy and readable. When they are completing this at home, please ensure they continue with this neatness. We completed number 1a. from their workbook together, so they went on to completing the rest on their own. The copied this in their notebooks to refer back to. 

Unit of Inquiry
I read the story "Mwakwa Talks to the Loon". It is such a beautiful story about the relationship the First Nations have with nature and animals. It even includes a list of vocabulary words from the Cree language, and their meanings. Once I finished reading the book to the students, we discussed what it is about, along with the comprehension questions they have to answer. Students were then given some time to work on writing out their responses to the questions in full sentences. 

Inquiry into Language
As a class, we summarized Chapter 4 of our novel study on google docs.
At the beginning of Chapter 4, Laura and Mary and their Ma were preparing food for their Christmas feast with their cousins. Their cousins arrived and they stayed at Mary and Laura’s house. When they arrived, all of the children went outside and made pictures in the snow. Then they came inside and feasted on some Christmas food. After the feast, they hung up their stockings and went to bed so Santa could come during the night. Laura was so excited that she couldn’t sleep. She listened to her Uncle Peter’s story about how Prince, their dog, saved Aunt Eliza’s life by preventing her from going outside because a panther was near. In the morning, when they woke up, they went down to eat breakfast and checked their stockings. Everyone got a pair of red mittens and candy canes, but Laura also got a Rag doll. At the end of Christmas day, Uncle Peter and Aunt Eliza and their children packed up and went home before dark."

Students had some time to work on their "dictionary skills" worksheets to enhance their understanding of how to use a dictionary, and its different parts. The explored how to organize words in alphabetical order. 

Check out what your child did during French today by visiting Mme. Rawan's blog:

At the end of the day, students had a work period to work on their math homework and UOI homework.

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math pg. 20, 21, 28
- UOI worksheet
- Novel study: Chapters 3&4 questions due Mon.

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