Friday, September 20, 2019

Day 1!

- Gym is Tuesday
- Lunch orders due Wednesday, September 25th

Fall Fundraiser 
Fall Fundraiser begins next week! Please remember which events your child paid for to participate in. Below is the schedule for the events:


The Grades 3- 6 students will attend Glow Zone if they bring in a minimum of $40 in donations. Permission forms and pledge forms went home today. All money and pledge forms are due by next Friday. 
What's better than a pizza party... pizza and a movie!The top fundraising class wins a movie and pizza party! Let's go Ms. Foti's class! 

Inquiry into Language
Students completed their Lesson 2 spelling test today, then began to work on their Chapter 3 & 4 Novel study questions.

Unit of Inquiry
We watched two clips today. One of them showed how "Canada's" name originated, through an interaction between the First Nations and European settlers when the European settlers first arrived. Link:
The second clip displayed the process the First Nations had to go through to make syrup/ sugar. In this clip, students got to reflect on the interaction between the First Nations People and Europeans and how the First Nations provided the Europeans not only with syrup, but also the knowledge of how to do things in Canada. 
We worked on the reflection questions together by discussing what we saw in the video, then using the students responses to the questions on their worksheet, I wrote the answers on the board in full sentences for students to copy down. This is the expectation for what I would like to see in their responses going forward.
Take a look at the 🌟A C T I O N🌟 some of the students took. At recess, they found tools in the school yard to use to see if they could gather sap from a tree in the play area just as the First Nations had.

A student also had a doll at home that is wearing clothing similar to those the First Nations wore. Using her knowledge of how they use materials to make clothing, she inferred that the jacket, boots and mitts could all be made from Buffalo fur, or other animals fur. 

Inquiry into Math
Today was a continuation with Mental Math strategies to add and subtract. It's great that students are learning new strategies at home to solve these addition and subtraction questions, however it is very important that they continue to practice the strategies we learn in class as well. Below is an example we did in class together to show where the numbers come from and where they should go.
In their agendas, it says to complete pg. 28, however, I would like for students to complete the worksheet instead, which looks similar to the picture above. I have labeled what numbers should go where for the first 1 or 2 questions, and the students should be able to refer back to these to help them with the later questions. A copy of the worksheet is below:

- Math worksheet- not pg. 28 in the workbook
- Read for 25 minutes
- Chapters 3& 4 Novel study questions due Mon.
- UOI "Historica" worksheet

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