Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Day 3

- Library Books due May 31st (Friday)
- Math test Monday
- Play Day June 12th
- Last day of school: June 14th

Check out Mrs. McMillan's blog to see what they've been working on:

Check out Mme. Stella's blog to see what they've been working on:

Inquiry into Language
Students completed their post OWA.


Inquiry into Math
We reviewed how to find the linear dimensions of all rectangles that share the same perimeter, along with the area that belongs to each rectangle. Today's lesson focused on how to identify the linear dimensions of rectangles that have equal areas. We approached these problems in the manner of identifying what information we know and what we have to solve, then solving that.
Example: What are all of the linear dimensions that equal an area of 24 cm squared.
1. Identify what you know:
I know I have an area of 24 cm squared. I know that the formula to solve area is A = L x W. I know that my area is 24 cm squared so I can input this into my formula, so 24 cm squared = L x W
2. Identify what you need to solve:
I need to solve all of the possible dimensions to equal an area of 24 cm squared. That means, I need to think of "two numbers that when multiple together equal 24". Possible linear dimensions are:
1 cm and 24 cm
2 cm and 12 cm 
3 cm and 8 cm
4 cm and 6 cm
I know that I can create 4 rectangles with an area of 24 cm squared by using the four sets of dimensions above.
3. Draw a representation of each of these rectangles. Solve the perimeter for each rectangle. 
We then looked at how to find the missing measurements in a figure that can be divided into smaller rectangles. This is important for when we have to solve the perimeter and area of more complex shapes. Take a look at our thinking below. We had to solve the missing measurements, the perimeter and the area (the area is a multi-step process)
How do you find the missing value in a shape? Listen to this students wonderful explanation that helped the class understand how to approach such a question 
Below are some notes to help you incase you forget or get confused with the difference between area and perimeter!

Unit of Inquiry
Today we talked about how media can influence our values, perspectives, beliefs, and actions. We watched a couple advertisement videos, listed below, and then discussed the message these advertisements are trying to convey. In addition to this, we discussed how such videos can shape the beliefs and values we have when we are older. I loved hearing how some of the students were able to make connections to the techniques that the advertisers used in their ads.


Unit of Inquiry continued
During this period, we discussed the reasons why companies create advertisements and what their goals are when creating such. We went over the criteria of a successful advertisement and then students went off to create their own printed advertisement of a product that they made up. They had some great ideas for their inventions and I am excited to see how they incorporate the advertisement techniques we learned about.

- Math: Equal area worksheet and any unfinished worksheets in their duo tang
- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 33

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