Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

Inquiry into Language:
Students began to work on their rough copies of their Science Fair components. We talked about how it's not about just listing the information we gathered, but rather about ensuring the reader will understand what it is we are trying to explain and demonstrate. Once these were edited and approved students worked on their good copies. They worked very hard on ensuring they used their neatest hand writing and organization skills. Students then glued their written pieces onto construction paper to give it a finished look.

Take a look at Mme. Stella's blog:

Science Fair Continued
Students continued to finish up their components from the beginning of the day then went on to silent read.


Inquiry into Math:
In math today we talked about the terms we typically encounter when we have to multiply: each, product, twice, times, double, altogether, total, etc. Our focus was on determining what information from a word problem is important, then use this information to create our multiplication sentence and solve. We did a couple examples together then students had time to begin their homework.

We then played our multiplication game where students stood up and had to say the next multiple for the number we were focusing on. The student who landed on the 10th multiple had to sit down and the cycle began again until there was one student left standing. 
Congratulations to Nathan and Justin who were the last students standing!
Unit of Inquiry:
Students continued to work on their Forces summatives. All objects have been approved. Students are now working on the written components, then they will begin building their objects. 


Take a look at Ms. Yustin's blog:

- Math: Multiplication word problems worksheets
- Spelling Due tomorrow
- Spelling Test Friday
- Read for 25 minutes
Scholastic book orders due Friday
UOI summative supplies due TOMORROW

Science Fair Friday

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