Daily Announcements
- No Gym tomorrow since it will be a Day 3
- Bake sale (pop, chips and candy) tomorrow
- Lunch orders due Nov. 30th (this Friday)
- Casual Day TOMORROW
- Lunch orders due Nov. 30th (this Friday)
- Casual Day TOMORROW
Inquiry into Language:
This morning we silently read at our desks. We then reflected and wrote on some of the things we have learned, had fun with this term and areas we need to improve on.
French: Take a look at Mme. Stella's blog https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com
Inquiry into Language continued:
As a class we took up some examples of quotations from our homework. Students identified what the dialogue tags were in each sentence. It's important to understand that dialogue tags are not a part of quotations. We reviewed who is speaking and what did they say? As a class we worked on placing punctuation and quotation marks in their correct spots. Remember: punctuation marks are always outside the opening quotation marks when it comes after a dialogue tag (commas), or inside the closing quotation mark if the dialogue tag comes after the quote. (Sara said, "I wish it was Saturday." or "Please don't eat my lunch," begged Suzy.)
Inquiry Binder Reflections:
Students reflected on what activities from both Unit's of Inquiry were their best work, something they worked their hardest on, and something they need to improve on.
Inquiry into Math:
Today we learned about Double Bar Graphs. As a class we looked at a double bar graph and identified how they are similar and different to bar graphs. In double bar graphs, we have two bars attached that compare similar data. In addition to this, we have a key that tells us what each coloured bar represents. We completed an activity around interpreting data from a double bar graph. Students completed this in partners, then we took it up as a class. We then looked at how to create a double bar graph when provided with half the layout already done for them. Students were working with partners to complete this. We will be working more on what teamwork should look, feel and sound like. We will be taking this up tomorrow to insure we included all components of a double bar graph.
Some of us wanted to demonstrate Static Electricity
- Spelling: Lesson 12 + sentences
- Read for 25 minutes
- Math: Double bar graph worksheets
- Quotations worksheet
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