Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Inquiry into Language:
We began our morning reading the next chapter in our novel study and discussing the events that took place. We also demonstrated how we visualized some of the events taking place


Inquiry into Language Continued:
We continued discussing the events that occurred by answering some comprehension questions together. In this activity we worked on answering questions in complete sentences. We understand that complete sentences are to begin with a capital letter and end with a period. When answering questions we understand that we should include part of the question in our answer.


Unity of Inquiry:
Today we discussed trading and participated in a trading activity with Ms. Chiappetta's class. Each pair had a bag of different items pioneers used to trade (fur, meat, medicine, milk&eggs, tools, flour, pans, clothes, fruits& vegetables, sugar and salt, spices and ) and each item was worth a certain amount of points. Amongst our card we had multiple items-- but nobody had everything.  We each had 300 points to begin with. By the end of trading we were supposed to still have 300 points and one of each item listed above, plus some extra to bring us to 300 points. We recognized how challenging it must have been for Pioneers to make fair trades and appreciate how we don't have to rely on trading to get the essential to live.

Inquiry into Math:
In math we planned on taking up some of our homework from yesterday, however most of us had not completed this. Students continued to work on a new worksheet that revolved around adding using expanded form and place value. All math homework is due tomorrow and will be taken up together. It's very important that we read the instructions carefully as it tells us what we have to do. This is something we are working on.

Here is a reminder of the steps we used for expanded form :

Step 1: Identify what the bigger addend is. This is going to remain the same. The smaller addend will change to expanded form in the number sentence.
        Ex. 483 + 519
              519 + 400 + 80 + 3
Step 2: This means you need to first skip count by 100 four times from 519 (to represent 400)
             519,  619, 719. 819, 919

Step 3: Then you take your final number from step 2 and skip count by 10 eight times (to represent 80)
           919, 929, 939, 949, 959, 969, 979, 989, 999

Step 4: Finally the number you landed at in step 3 and skip count by 1 three times (3)
        999, 1000, 1001, 1002

Your answer is 1002. This is how you would demonstrate the skip counting by place value. Another way they can do it is very similar to above, but this way doesn't show all the skip counting done. It shows the adding in steps.

Step 1: 483 + 519
Step 2: 519 + 400 + 80 + 3
Step 3: 519 + 400 = 919
Step 4: 900 +80 = 999
Step 5: 999 + 3 = 1002



- Math: yesterdays homework sheet if not complete. Todays homework sheet on adding using place value and expanded form
- Cursive writing: pgs. 14 & 15
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Read for 25 minutes

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