Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday, September 21st, 2018



Inquiry into Language:
We wrote our spelling tests with Ms. Chiappetta's class. We then began to read the next chapter "Going to Town" in our novel study. We will continue to read this on Monday


We reviewed what estimating is and discussed what it means to find the "difference" of something-- subtraction. Today's focus was estimating differences. We have really been focusing on ensuring we read the instructions before we begin to do our work as we often assume we know what to do. This sometimes results in us having to go back and redo everything because we, for example, rounded to the nearest hundred when we're supposed to round to the nearest ten. We discussed how when it tells us to ESTIMATE something this does not mean solve the problem. When estimating to the nearest hundred our sum/difference should end with two zeros. When estimating to the nearest ten our sum/difference should end with one zeros.In this class we also discussed the importance of lining up our digits (as you can see in the picture below). This is essential when we add, subtract, multiply and divide.
As for estimating differences, one key concept to remember is if we are subtracting a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number (429 - 81), we have to round each of these numbers to the nearest ten since one of our numbers only has two digits. We began to work on our worksheet in class and whatever wasn't finished is for homework.

Unit of Inquiry:
In today's lesson we learned about how the Pioneers had to pack their wagons to migrate from where they first settled to Oregon by traveling the Oregon Trail. We completed a reading together, then we got into groups where we had to successfully determine how much of each item provided we should pack in our wagon for our 5 month journey to Oregon. There was a limit of 2,400 pounds for a family of 4 and we were provided with required amounts per person for some items. Take a look at some of the great discussions that happened to determine what they should include in their wagon and what they may not necessarily need. Well done Grade 3s!


After recess we continued with our Pack your Wagon group work. We then went in to discussing different character/personality traits that should always be present in our classroom to go on our "Be..." board. We came up with some great words. On Monday we will continue with this by decorating the words we came up with in bright colours to add to our board.

- Math: Estimating differences to the nearest ten and nearest hundred
- UOI-- Pioneer children reading (front and back), complete t-chart and similarity questions + checklist
- Read 25 minutes
No Assigned Reading Comprehension this weekend :) :)

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