Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 5!

Happpy Fridaaaayyyyy!!!!

Below is a picture of our daily activities:

Inquiry into Language
Let's have some fun with verbs today! Your task is to see how many verbs you can record on your worksheet within 3 minutes.
1. Start a 3 minutes timer
2. Write down as many verbs you can think of in the first column (without any suffixes added). Ex. If you're using the verb "dancing" you need to write this as "dance" in the first column.
3. Once your timer goes off, start to add the suffixes from each column to each of your verbs. 

Remember to use the suffix rules below to know when to:
- Double the final consonant at the end
- Remove the final "e" before adding the suffix
- Change the "y" to "i" before adding the suffix
Let's see who can think of the most verbs within 3 minutes and add their suffixes correctly! 

Inquiry into Math
In relation to what we've been learning over the past couple days, we will continue to look at how to make reasonable predictions for probability experiments. While some of you may noticed, division helps us make reasonable predictions for each outcome, when given a set number of trials. Join our class conference at 11:00 to review how to solve a reasonable prediction for an experiment.

Incase you have forgotten how to use long division, watch the video below explaining the steps through a song.

Unit of Inquiry
Today we are exploring the difference between soil textures and structures. 

When we refer to the texture of soil, we are talking about how soil feels; does it feel gritty? Smooth? Sticky? Depending on how it feels, tells you the size of mineral pieces that make it up.

The structure of soil refers to the type of mineral pieces that make up the soil, such as sand, silt or clay.

Soil Texture Video:

Check our Mme. Rawan's Youtube video to help you with today's lesson:

Learning goal: Read and understand a text in French, identify silent sounds and the different parts of speech.
Success criteria: I can read and understand a text in French while paying attention to silent letters and identify the parts of speech.

The students read the attached text out loud twice.
-The students prepare a line paper with the date (Vendredi 27 mars 2020) and the title: Lecture.
-The students copy the text using a neat and clear handwriting, and make sure to skip a line to space their text lines.

-The student will now follow the instructions below:
Ø Souligner les lettres silencieuses (underline the silent letters).
Ø Entourer les sujets (circle the subject nouns).
Ø Utiliser une couleur differrente pour souligner les verbes (use a different colour to underline the verbs).
Ø Encadrer les adjectifs (draw a rectangle around the adjectives).
Ø Trouve la réponse à la question dans le texte et écrit la réponse (find the answer to the comprehension question in the text and write it down).

Des vêtements bruyants

Victor entend un bruit étrange venant de sa chambre. Il entre et fait le tour de la pièce. Il veut trouver d’où provient le bruit. Victor soulève ses vêtements empilés sur le sol. Son robot est pris dessous. C’est lui qui fait ce bruit.

D’où provident le bruit?

     A.  Du robot de Victor.
     B.  Du sac à dos de Victor.

     C.  Du téléphone de Victor.

PE with Ms. V!

Happy Friday everyone!! We made it through the first week of online learning. Congratulations!

For PE today, I have created 2 YouTube videos for you to follow along with. 

Have a fantastic weekend! Check out my Instagram @physedwithmsv for some activities to do this weekend!
Don’t forget to be active! J

Mrs. McMillan would like for you to join her for your music class exercises by watching her Youtube video below and engaging in your daily singing activities she does throughout the video. If you have a sibling in Grades 1 or 2, I would like for you to spend some time together completing this music activity.

Music with Mrs. McMillan:

- Math: Predicted and Actual Results worksheets (2 pages)
- Unit of Inquiry: Soil Texture & Structure Worksheet & dig up soil
- Inquiry into Language: Verb Fun!
- French: Oral reading and Comprehension Activities
- Gym: Ms. V's DPA videos
- Music: Join Mrs. McMillan's vocal exercises video

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