Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Day 2!

Re-registration packages due February 18th, 2020
- Valentine's Spirit Dress Day is on Thursday! 
- Friday is a P.D. Day- NO SCHOOL
- Family Day Monday-- NO SCHOOL
- Math test tomorrow

Re-registration Forms
Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on waitlists.
If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team.

Music, French & Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan: https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com
Music with Mrs. McMillan: www.mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/ 

Unit of Inquiry
We learned about Friction today! We completed an experiment to see which objects can slide on ice better than others. Based on our observations we were able to draw the conclusion that the smoother the surface the better it slides and the more rough the surface, the less ability the object has to slide. This is because of FRICTION! We will watch a brief video tomorrow about Friction.

Inquiry into Language
To help us with our writing, and sometimes reading we learned about contractions: what they are and how we correctly spell them. Contractions are two words that come together to create a shorter word. This word has the same meaning as the two words that make it up. Apostrophes replace the letters from the second word that are not part of the contraction. When writing contractions and thinking about where the apostrophe belongs, our thinking process should be, "which letters am I taking out? The apostrophe goes in the place of these letters." 
To help determine the two words that make up a contraction, or the contraction that is made from the two words, I encourage students to think of a sentence using the two words, then reflect on how you will say that sentence by combining those two words into its contraction form.
Note: When writing contractions in cursive, the letters on both sides of the word are not connected-- the apostrophe disconnects them.

Inquiry into Math
All students had a chance to sit with me to go over any difficulties they had on their reviews. They made such corrections and were shown how to solve similar problems to prepare them for their test tomorrow. Students also had an opportunity to play some math games around equivalent fractions and improper to mixed fractions.

Inquiry into Art
We learned about complementary colours today! Green & Red are complementary colours. So are Blue and Orange and Yellow and Purple. Using these complementary colours, and their understanding of balance in art work, students were working on a Valentine's Day art activity. They had to use a variety of different sized hearts and spread them out to create balance in their art work. We learned that cutting out hearts it's as easy as it seems. 💖

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 21
- UOI: Friction Conclusions
- Contractions worksheets (4 pgs.)
- Math: Study for tomorrow's test

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