- Spelling test tomorrow-- words only
- Oral Competition to return to school everyday
- Book selection for Oral Competition retell due tomorrow
- Re-registration packages due February 18th, 2020
- Aftercare payments due by January 15th
We had Music, French and Gym today! Don't forget to check out their blogs at the end of the week!
Unit of Inquiry
This morning students participated in a group activity around Needs & Wants. We discussed the difference between these two, then students had to work in their groups to determine which items were "Needs" and which were "Wants". Then they had to order their needs and wants in order from most important to least important. There were some really good debates and eyeopeners that were brought up during these discussions.
After this, students completed a writing response on jobs that revolve around forests, lakes and rivers. As a class we brainstormed ideas for their responses such as what types of jobs exist in these areas, which landform regions they'd be most likely to find those jobs in and how they are all connected. Students copied the brainstorm down on their paper then completed their own paragraph using this information and other details from the readings in their binders.
Inquiry into Language
We listened to a read aloud called "My Mouth is a Volcano" by Julia Cook to help prepare us for our Speech writing. After listening to this read aloud, and making predictions along the way, we discussed the characters, setting, problem and solution, along with what happened at the beginning and end of the story. The students did a fantastic job at at identifying all of these elements of the story. While we didn't have much time to get into discussing the plot of the story in great detail-- the events that happened throughout, we will get to this hopefully tomorrow!
Inquiry into Math
Today we jumped right into our Time, money and measurement unit by engaging in a silent group activity. Each student in the group was given a Unit of Time and as a group they had to put themselves in order from smallest unit of time to largest. Once they both shared their order we verified which was correct.
As a class, we discussed each unit of time and identified how many of a smaller unit of time made up the bigger units of time. Then we completed some examples of how to compare units of time. In order to compare units of time, one of the units of time needs to be converted to the other so you can have a clear comparison (ex. years to years, months to months, decades to decades). Students completed an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of these concepts, then went off to complete their homework.
An informative sheet was sent home with examples of how to compare units of time to assist with the homework. It's important that students know how to show their work. You will notice that this is where multiplication and division come in handy!
- Read for 25 minutes
- Math worksheet + pg. 88
- Spelling and cursive due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Oral competition book due tomorrow
- Sign and return Oral Competition package
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