Friday, March 1, 2019

Day 2

- PJ Day Monday!!
- Aftercare invoices due March 15th

Research for students summatives are due MONDAY. Students are to find research in books or online, then summarize the important information that relates to their reason in their own words and in point form on the organizers provided. Students are to print any research they use and bring it in to demonstrate academic honesty.

Spirit Week begins next week! Take a look at what is happening each day
Monday, March 4th – PJ Day
Tuesday, March 5th – Superhero/Princess/Tie-Dye Day
Wednesday, March 6th - Whacky Wednesday
Thursday, March 7th – Sports Day
Friday, March 8th – St. Patrick’s Day (wear green)
Spelling Test
Students completed Lesson 22 Spelling Tests

Unit of Inquiry/ Language
Students began their summatives today. As a class we read through the summative letter together and went over the expectations for each component. We discussed what a debate looks like and watched a shot clip on the roles and actions that occur in a debate.
Students were then told their topics, assigned their groups and told their stance on the topic.
Topic: St. Jude's Corporation has the opportunity to develop a comment in an open fertile area of land. Should they develop it into an urban community?
 Some of the students did not like the stance they were assigned however took on the role and brainstormed a variety of reasons to support their stance. It's important to remember that if you are the opposing position, you are not arguing against saying "Urban communities don't...", you are focusing on what the rural community DOES since you are arguing to develop this type of community. 


Inquiry into Math
Today's math concept was: Tree Diagrams. These are pictures used to show the different ways to arrange the outcomes to help solve the probability of an event. We did a couple examples together to help us understand how to create and read tree diagrams that have 2 or 3 columns. To help us identify the total number of outcomes we have to count the total number of outcomes in our last column.
To help us identify what all of the possible outcomes are we have to follow the branches in our tree diagram back to the first outcome possible. 
When looking at the probability of an event, we have to be careful to ensure we are looking specifically for what it is asking us for. 

Unit of Inquiry Continued
Students continued to brainstorm potential reasons for their stance using the information they've learned from our Unit of Inquiry. Once students came up with 5 reasons, they had to select their top 3 to show me so that I could confirm that they were ready to research. Amongst these the students selected which of the three reasons they were going to present for the debate. They were all very cooperative when deciding these. 
On their graphic organizer, students wrote down their stance, along with the reason they have to research this weekend to support their stance. When completing research, students should keep in mind:
- How the land is used for that reason/ why it is important
- How this reason affects the community: environmental and human impact
Research needs to be summarized into their own words in point form notes on the graphic organizers brought home. In class students will work with their groups on how to format their paragraphs using this information. 


Take a look at Ms. Yustin's blog to see what they've been working on:

- UOI Research in Point-form due Monday
- Math Tree Diagram Worksheet
- Read for 25 minutes

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