Monday, January 21, 2019

Day 5- Music Monday

- Re-Registration packages due February 11th
- Scholastic Orders due by January 24th
- Jump Rope for Heart Foundation Donations -- Package went home today

A message for Re-registration below:
Just a friendly reminder that re-registration packages are due by Monday, February 11.  After this time, spots will be opened up to the public and your child will not be guaranteed a space for next year.  We look forward to seeing you back for next year!

Check out Mrs. McMillan's blog to see what they've been working on:

Check out Mme. Stella's blog to see what they've been working on:

Inquiry into Language
This morning we reviewed the weekly expectations for our spelling lessons. Students are required to complete all activities involved in the assigned lessons along with their weekly sentences. We reviewed the concepts for these lessons then students had 15-20 minutes to get started on their work.
Level C Words

Level D Words

Students then completed a creative writing activity using "power words". They had so much fun sharing their paragraphs. I loved how different each of their paragraphs were.


Inquiry into Math
We began our Decimals Unit today. Our focus was on decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth. Using our rulers, we looked at all of the units between 3cm and 4cm and broke this down to the nearest tenth and to the nearest hundredth. Students should understand that after every whole number their is a decimal with an infinite amount of zeros after that. (EXAMPLE: 54 is basically 54.000000... however the zeros do not have a value). With this being said we should understand that 3.1 is the same as 3.10.
We then looked at how to represent a fraction using base-ten blocks and in fraction form. We worked on representing both tenths and hundredths using base-ten block pictures and fractions. Our prior knowledge from our Fractions Unit is very helpful when we have to do this.

Seeing the visual representation of 70/100 and 7/100 helped us recognize how to write 7/100 as a decimal. At first we thought 0.7 was correct, however after recognizing that 70/100= 0.7 because we have 7 tenths, we recognize that we need to add that zero in front of the 7 in 7/100 = 0.07

To solve what the decimal of a fraction is we have to divide the numerator by the denominator. When solving the tenths of a fraction we divide our numerator by 10. This means our decimal point will move one space to the left. When solving the hundredth of a fraction we divide the numerator by 100. This means our decimal point will move two spaces to the left. 
To the tenth place value: 39/ 10 = 3.9
To the hundredth place value: 39 / 100 = 0.39

Inquiry into Language Continued
This afternoon we went through the three criteria to successfully provide our peers with effective feedback.
1. Compliments
2. Suggestions
3. Corrections
It's extremely important to always remain positive when providing feedback and think of a positive way to say what we are trying to say. When providing peers with feedback we want to be specific and not just say "It was a great story". What was so great about it? What elements made it great? What did you really enjoy?
Once we went over some examples of compliments, suggestions and corrections we can make, students went on to peer editing their classmates fractured fairytales that they wrote on the weekend.


Unit of Inquiry
As a class we went through the expectations of them for their Fractured Fairytales. We went through the deadline expectations and students set appropriate deadlines for each component they have to complete for their summatives. Tomorrow students will re-read the traditional fairytale they selected and begin their story mountains. We will be working on these summatives during our Language and UOI periods.

- Math: Decimals to tenths and hundredths
- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 17 + Sentences
- Spelling Test Friday

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