Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

Daily Announcements
- Picture Retake is this TOMORROW-- Please write in your child's agenda if you'd like for them to have their picture retaken
- UOI summative Showcase will be this Friday from 12:30 - 1:30
- French was cancelled today so we had some extra UOI time

Unit of Inquiry:
Students had an extra long period of UOI today since French was cancelled. They worked very hard on their summative devices/objects. Tomorrow they will be practicing for their Showcase so they need to ensure they have all materials they will need for Friday to try it out tomorrow, including containers for water.

Inquiry into Math:
Today we began to look at the components of a pictographs and bar graphs, along with learning how to interpret data from them. The students broke out into partners to complete a little activity to see what information they could read from the pictograph and bar graph provided, which included the exact same data.

We discussed how these graphs were similar and different. They're similar because they display the same data, however they're different because they display the data in a different way. The students worked well together in their partners. We took the questions up together which helped some groups recognize how they interpreted the data incorrectly (this was expected to possibly happen as they haven't been taught this material yet).

We went on to learning some of the vocabulary that will help us throughout this unit.

We did an example of how to solve the range together. First you have to identify what the biggest and smallest data points are, then subtract these numbers from each other. This gives you your range.
In addition to this we labeled the x- and y-axis on a bar graph.

When looking at pictographs, it's important that when solving the range we do not count the number of pictures that are there, but instead figure out the value for each one of the categories. 

We did an example of how to answer questions similar to those in their homework on the board. The students figured out the answers, and I wrote them on the board to show them how I want them to be organizing their work on their papers. 


Gym: Take a look at Ms. Yustin's blog:

- Math: Pages 172 and 173 (completed on lined paper)
- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling and sentences Due tomorrow
- Spelling Test Friday

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