Here is our class contract with all of our signatures
Great job wearing your house colours today everyone!!!! This morning we had our 3rdhouse game of the year right after our morning announcements! This consisted of a two relay games. Theta won the first round and Zeta won the second round! A big shout-out to Justin and Urvi who were great contributors to their relay teams!
Music:We had Music with Mr. Flower this morning. Check out his blog for more details!
French:We then had French with Mme. Stella. Check out her blog for more details! Students are encouraged to use the different phrases they learned to say “Thank you” and “Goodbye” in French.
We started our day together by finishing up our student surveys, Me In Grade 3 IB Photos and Who the Pioneers are worksheet. The students worked very hard at completing these 3 tasks. I look forward to reading about the goals they have for this year, and the different ways I can help them in all areas. It’s so important that they are able to recognize how their teachers and parents can work alongside them to help them grow and accomplish such goals.
Math:Todays class revolved around reviewing adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. First we discussed what the terms “sum” and “difference” mean to ensure we understand the operations we have to perform when they see these terms. We then went on to practice how to add and subtract without regrouping, then adding and subtracting with regrouping. I had come up with one or two questions for each group (regrouping and without regrouping) to practice as a class. We all had an opportunity or two to come up to the board and help solve the problems step-by-step. Thank you all for participating!
Adding/ Subtracting without Regrouping:
· We always begin to add or subtract from the ones place value (right side) and move towards the hundreds place value (to the left)
· We understand that we do one place value at a time and ensure that we line our digits up in their corresponding place value once we solve them. (ones line up under the ones, tens under the tens, hundreds under the hundreds)
We discussed how we read these numbers and how this helps identify which place value our digits fall under.
Ex. 643 is read as “six-hundred and forty three” not “six forty three”
We also discussed why we always start from our ones and move towards our hundreds: this is because of regrouping—if we start from our largest place value then reach a smaller place value that adds up to more than 9 we would have to regroup this, resulting in us going back to the larger place value to change what we wrote. This helped clear up why we cant just do this
Adding/ Subtracting with Regrouping:
· When we need to regroup with adding, we understand that the tens value “1” gets carried over to next biggest place value and added together with the two numbers that are already there.
· Once we get to our last place value (hundreds) we no longer have to regroup if this value is larger than 9. This value is written as a whole underneath the hundreds place.
** Its important that we remember to place our carried over value (regroup) above the next biggest place value.
Ex. 1 1
Subtracting with Regrouping:
This tends to be the most challenging of them all, however we did pretty well with reviewing this concept together today and helping each other when needed. We all understand that in order to subtract, the bigger number needs to be on top.
· When we are regrouping with subtraction we understand that we need to “borrow” from our neighbor
· Once we borrow from our neighbor, our neighbor decreases by 1 and the place value that needed to borrow adds 10 to its value.
5 17
- 3 8 7
2 9 5
8 becomes 7 since you borrowed ten from it to lend to your ones, which made 2 become 12. Since you can’t subtract 8 from 7, you have to borrow from your hundreds—6 becomes 5 and 7 now becomes 17. Now you are ready to solve the problem
** It’s important to show how these numbers change to ensure we don’t miss a step or get confused
Misconceptions we addressed:
We need to ensure that we do not subtract top up because the digit on the bottom is bigger. When this happens that means we need to regroup.
Ex. 413
- 129
We cannot borrow from the biggest place value right from the beginning. We can only borrow from our neighbor; unless our neighbor doesn’t have anything to lend us (value of 0) then we have to go to the next greatest place value. This is because there are times when our tens value may not need to borrow from our hundreds, which will change the difference we solve.
Language:In our last class we discussed how sentences express a complete thoughtand completed a worksheet where we had to identify whether the phrase provided was a sentence or not. For those that they were not sentences, we discussed different ways that we could make it a complete sentence. We did a fantastic job at adding key parts such as “who” or “where”. We even added more detail than was required to provide the listener with more information.
This led us into reviewing when we use periods other than at the end of a sentence. Other times that we are to use periods are:
- After initials (N. P. Grant)
- After abbreviated titles of respect (Ms. Foti, Dr. Joe)
- After abbreviations of days and months (Sept. Mon.)
We began to do some of these together, however the rest of this page was for homework.
Lastly we began to write a paragraph about our summer. We reviewed the success criteria of what our paragraph should look like:
- Be written neatly and in cursive
- Must have a title and date on the top of our work
- Must have at least 7-9 sentences
- Must use correct grammar and punctuation
- Must have an indent at the beginning (this was new to us)
Over the year we will continually be working on our cursive writing skills. We will also have a cursive writing chart on the top of our desks to remind us what our letters should look like.
- 2 Pages of math homework (1 addition and 1 subtraction)
If we did not finish the first two sheets we worked on in class those were also for homework
If we did not finish the first two sheets we worked on in class those were also for homework
- Read for 25 minutes—don’t forget to record this in your reading log
- Worksheet on Periods
Happy Weekend JJ
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