Thursday, September 6, 2018

Day 2

Language:We began today by completing our All About Me posters by colouring them in and pasting them on construction paper before they go up on our bulletin board. Once the students completed these they went on to complete a student survey that tells me more about their interests and thoughts on the subjects we learn and their first day of school this year. 

French:The students then had French with Mme. Stella. Check out her blog for more details!

After French we reviewed our class contract together by going over each expectation. We also talked about how once we sign the contract that means that we promise to follow these rules and that we should not break this promise. Each one of us signed the contract, which means we are the ones who are will be held accountable for our actions in our classroom and school community. 

UOI: Once everybody signed our classroom contract we went on to reading an article about Who the Pioneers were. As a class we took turns reading one paragraph at a time. We took comprehension breaks throughout the reading to ensure we understood what was being said. Everyone was very eager to participate in the reading. Once we finished reading the article we worked in partners to complete the comprehension questions at the back. The students did a good job working together to complete the questions. We will continue this activity tomorrow and take it up as a class to review the information we learned about today. 


MathAfter lunch we had our first math test to see how much we remember about Whole Numbers from last year. This test addressed questions around rounding, addition and subtraction, ordering numbers, estimating, mental math and place value. This will give me a good understanding of what concepts we should revisit prior to building on such concepts. 

HOUSE GAMEBefore recess we had our second house game in the Gym. Rayen from our class did a fantastic job placing second for Kappa. Great dance moves Rayen!!


Gym:To end the day we had Gym with Ms. Yustin. Check out her blog to see more!

** Students are to read for at least 25 minutes every night-- this includes RazKids if they'd like. They are to record their reading in their reading log and ensure a Parent/Guardian signs off on their reading. 

** BBQ forms are due by next Friday

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