Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 3!

- Gym is Thursday
- Casual Day is TOMORROW!
- Math test Monday
- Lunch orders tomorrow-  Wednesday, September 25th. Please ensure you select the correct grade and teacher for your child when ordering lunches. 

Fall Fundraiser 
Today was so much fun! One of our classmates raised the most money for the day, so he got to silly string a teacher of his choice, and he chose... Ms. Hocevar!!!! 
After the silly string, we played a house game. One student had to throw popcorn into another students mouth, and they had to catch it. The house that caught the most popcorn won! Zeta students and teachers brought in 20,000 points!!! 👏👏


The rest of the week is as follows... 

The Grades 3- 6 students will attend Glow Zone if they bring in a minimum of $40 in donations. Permission forms and pledge forms went home last week. All money and pledge forms are due by next Friday.
What's better than a pizza party... pizza and a movie!The top fundraising class wins a movie and pizza party! Let's go Ms. Foti's class! 

Unit of Inquiry/ Language
To begin, we completed a "brainstorm bubble" responding to the summary questions about the Metis group of Indigenous Peoples. Answering one question as a time, we added some jot notes to our brainstorm bubble. Students then copied this onto their worksheet so that they have the ideas for when they complete the summary at home.
We then got to watch a couple videos today that reflect the daily lives of settler children. One video is about Emilie's journey to get her cousins and bring them back to her home. Once we finished watching this video, we talked about the modes of transportation Emilie used, then reflected on the transportation we could use today, and which modes of transportation are the same. We completed this on a Venn Diagram on the board to display how to compare and contrast a topic using a Venn Diagram. I LOVED the connections that were made when we talked about what we can conclude based on our Venn Diagram. Students made connections to use having electricity now, along with advance technologies, which provide us with the modes of transportation we have today. 
 We also discussed how her responsibilities were different than theirs. While doing this, we had to break down what "responsibilities" means as the responses students provided talked about the things she did along her journey to her cousins. This allowed us to talk about the importance of understanding vocabulary in a question, and what exactly a question is askingThe video can be found at: è http://youtu.be/pzRv88aQDkI
The second video we watched was about a boy names Jamie, who loved to eat. In this video, students learned about the chores a young child was responsible for in order to have food, shelter, clothing and daily items required for living in the 1800s. Students then had to complete the Venn diagram on their homework worksheet and the rest of the questions. The video can be found at: http://youtu.be/TITOHQUjVik

Today students learned how to "check" their subtraction by using addition. Checking is a subtraction strategy that can be used to show how they solved a subtraction question. In addition to this, we reviewed how to subtract numbers when having to regroup. We completed a couple examples together, then students began to work on their math homework. 
For those who forget to regroup, I encourage them to ask themselves before subtracting any digits if the top digit is bigger than the lower digit in that place value. If the top digit is less than the lower digit, then they need to regroup. 

Music, French and Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child did during Music and French
French with Mme. Rawan: https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com
Music with Mrs. McMillan: www.mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/ 

Before leaving today, we watched a video about "Inferences". This is a comprehension skill we will be focusing on this year, as they are required to make inferences quite often when reading a text. I have noticed that the students tend to express they can't find the exact answer in the text, which I then tell them to go and think about what the text is trying to tell them. After watching this video, and making inferences from the examples in the video, the students have a better understanding of what I mean when I tell them they have to make inferences of what the text is trying to tell them. In addition to this, they know how to use textual evidence to justify their inferences. 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math: pg. 31 #1,3,4,5 and pg. 32
- UOI: Metis Paragraph & Jamie worksheet
- Spelling Lesson 3

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