Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 5

- Play Day forms due Monday
- Scholastic Book Orders due Friday
- Library Books due May 31st

Track & Field has been moved to tomorrow due to the rain today. Please ensure students come in Gym uniform again & bring a water bottle. Freezies will also be sold in the afternoon as a refresher for the students. Good luck everyone!

Inquiry into Language
Our focus for today was: how to brainstorm ideas for a persuasive paragraph & how to use the ideas we write in our graphic organizer to construct our paragraph. The topic that we discussed together was: "Should students have homework?" We discussed why sometimes, brainstorming can take longer since this is where the thinking happens! Once we have all of our ideas, all we have to do is think about how we can structure these ideas into a paragraph that makes sense, by using complete sentences and transition words. Transition words help us connect ideas, while ensuring that we are not repetitive. I am so proud of how well the class worked together when formulating our ideas, then putting these ideas into a paragraph.
We discussed the importance of where the strongest and weakest arguments/reasons go in our paragraph and why this is so. The strongest reason should go at the end as it is typically what the reader remembers most-- what they just finished reading. Our 2nd strongest reason should be the first reason we talk about as we want to make sure that we grab the readers attention and that they are engaged in what they are reading so that they keep reading. This leaves our weakest reason, which should go in-between our 2nd strongest and our strongest.
Great job Grade 3s! I can't wait to see what you guys brainstorm for your topics tomorrow!


Inquiry into Math
Today we learned about AREA! Area is the amount of space a shape or figure covers. We specifically focused on how to find the area of rectangles and irregular shapes that can be broken down into rectangles.
- Area is expressed in square units (m, cm, and mm) The image below shows the area of 3D shapes-- we are only focusing on 2D shapes this year. The square-unit is represented by the small "2" beside each unit of measurement
-Area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length by the width (A rectangle = L x W)
When solving the area of irregular shapes that can be divided into multiple rectangles, we have to complete two steps:
1. Find the area of each rectangle
2. Add the areas we found from each rectangle together to find the total area of the shape.

Unit of Inquiry
We reviewed how colour conveys certain messages about the product being advertised. Today we focused on what slogans & logos are, and how they're used in advertisements. We completed two short challenges on seeing how well we can identify specific logos and slogans of certain products or places we encounter on a regular basis. Most of us were able to identify all, or close to all of the logos. The slogans were a little more tricky.


Language continued
Students continued to work on their Fractured Fairytales. We are almost all on creating our pictures that go with our stories.

- UOI: Logo and Slogan worksheet
- Math: Area worksheet + textbook pg. 344 #4,5,6
- Read for 25 minutes

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