Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 2

- Gym tomorrow
- Aftercare invoices due April 15th
- Silent Dance Party forms + Money due this week
- Wizard of Oz forms + $15 due Friday
- Math test Friday

Inquiry into Language
Students worked on Lesson 26 in their Spellers. Instead of completing weekly sentences in their language duo tang, students are to complete a paragraph using at least 7 list words. The paragraphs are supposed to make sense and they are to underline the spelling words they used throughout their paragraph.

 Level C Spelling words (above)
Level D spelling words (above)

Check out Mme. Stella's blog to see what they've been working on:

Unit of Inquiry
We learned about Photosynthesis today. We watched a video introducing this concept, then paraphrased a paragraph about photosynthesis as a class. Students generated the ideas to make sure we addressed all of the important information from the paragraph in our paraphrase. We then went back to look at the original paragraph and read over ours to see if we included all important information. Students copied this paraphrase into their UOI duo tangs.


Spelling Bee
Grades 1 - 3 had their Spelling Bee today. Congrats to our class winner who came 3rd place!


Unit of Inquiry/ Technology
We completed a visual representation of the photosynthesis process. Once students finished their visual representation they logged onto the typing website to practice their typing skills.
This is the website if your child would like to practice their typing skills at home:

- Spelling Lesson 26 + Spelling Paragraph
- Read for 25 minutes
- Act of Kindness

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