Monday, December 10, 2018

Day 6- Music Monday

Daily Announcements
- Math test is moved to Wednesday
- Aftercare invoices due December 15th
Bake sale is next Wednesday and Thursday (not Tuesday) 
- Don't forget about our Christmas Concert Outfits

Today Ms. Chiappetta's class joined us as she was assisting in the preparation for our JK- Grade 2 Christmas Concert Performance.

French: Take a look at Mme. Stella's blog

Inquiry into Language:
We began to complete Lesson 14 in our spelling workbooks. We then watched a read aloud on "Bucket Fillers", teaching students the importance behind how being kind towards others positively affects themselves along with those who receive the kind gestures. We discussed the difference between "bucket fillers" and "bucket dippers" and how our goal is to be bucket fillers.
Have You Filled A Bucket Today:

Inquiry into Math:
Due to the JK- Grade 2 Christmas Concert occurring tomorrow, our math test has been moved to Wednesday. Today we took up our reviews and went back to fix any mistakes to ensure we know what to do for next time.

Unit of Inquiry:
Today's focus was on the purpose of the features used in non-fiction informative texts. We read through a list of features we come across that help us locate the specific information we are looking for. Then, students got into groups of 3 or 4 to explore non-fiction books and identify where they see those specific features being used. In addition to this, they had to explain how those features help them as a reader. There was some great group work occurring in most of the groups!


Music Monday/ Kindness activity:
After lunch we created our own buckets for class bucket filling. Students got to decorate the front of their bucket with positive and creative ideas. As the year passes, we will fill each others buckets with positive reminders of acts that positively influenced us, along with things we have done that positively impacted others. I look forward to seeing a lot of Bucket Filling happening amongst the Grade 3s! Once finished creating our Buckets we had a mini dance party.

- Spelling Lesson 14 + Sentences due Thursday
- Math Test Wednesday
- Read for 25 Minutes

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