Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday, October 26th, 2018

Fantastic Friday!!!!

Inquiry into Language:
We began our day by writing our topic, purpose and hypothesis for our Science Fair project in our new science journal. We then began to write our post OWA for letter writing using all of the knowledge we have learned about rules, routines and letter format.

Take a look at Mme. Stella's blog:

Inquiry into Language continued:
Students wrote their lesson 7 spelling test. Then students continued writing their OWA's.


Inquiry into Math:
In math today we completed a quiz on our 9x table. If they finish quickly students are to silent read. Once this was complete students explored two questions in groups of 2 or 3. If they successfully solved the first question then they were able to move onto the next one with their group members. If one of us understood what to do and the other didn't, we took this as a "peer teaching opportunity" to teach our partner what they need to know to be successful. This required cooperation, leadership and listening skills from all involved. I was so happy to see how well some of us did with this!
The two questions were: 
1. How can you multiply by 10, by 100 and by 1000 without 
using a calculator? Use pictures, numbers and words.
2. How can you multiply by multiples of 10, of 100 and of 1000 
without using a calculator? Use pictures, numbers and words.

We then did some examples together to ensure we understood the concept it was addressing: multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and multiples of these numbers. We did very well at grasping what we have to do to solve such problems. This is why it's so important that we learn our basic number facts. 
  • When multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 it's like saying you have 5 tens = 50, or 5 hundreds = 500, etc. You are multiplying your second factor by 1, then adding however many zeros you see in 10, 100 or 1000. 
  • When multiplying by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 you have to multiply the other factor in your multiplication fact by the first digit of you multiple of these numbers (ex. 300 means you multiply the other factor by 3), then add however many zeros you see in the multiple of these numbers Ex. 200 x 8 = 2 x 8 = 16 then add the two zeros from 100 = 1600

Lastly, we worked on some word problems together to determine how we used the numbers in these questions with our multiplication operation. Students both had to share their answers and the steps they took to get there. 

Unit of Inquiry:
We gathered with Ms. Chiappetta's class to learn about Buoyancy today. We took up some examples of how to increase and decrease friction to ensure we all understand what this means. Then we individually predicted whether certain items will sink or float in a bucket of water in our chart. After having predicted, we watched a video that explained density and how this contributes to whether objects will sink or float in water. This helped explain the reasoning behind why some of the objects floated and some sank, along with which items are more dense/less dense than the water. 


Take a look at Ms. Yustin's blog: 

- Math: Multiplication package due Monday
- UOI: Read Buoyancy article & answer questions
- Read for 25 minutes
- Sign spelling tests & return to school!

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