Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018


French: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Unit of Inquiry:
Today we discussed what we learned about in our reading last night about what the Pioneers used the different animals for (the resources they got out of them). We then read an article about how the Natives helped the Pioneers. We already knew a lot of information provided in the article but the reason was to reflect on the impact the Natives (now referred to as Indigenous) Pioneer lifestyle. This led us into a brief discussion about Residential schools and how the Indigenous people may have felt about how they were treated by the Pioneers and how the Pioneers treated the land. We also completed a Read Aloud called "The Elders are Watching" which expressed how the land was sacred to the Indigenous people and portrayed the thoughts of the Indigenous towards the way the Pioneers treated their land and families. This led into a great discussion and allowed us to make some connections in regards to how we would feel if we experienced similar things.

RECESS/LUNCH : Bakesale -- continues tomorrow

We reviewed how to determine whether an estimate was too high or too low by looking at whether we rounded our numbers up or down. Our estimate would be too high if we rounded our numbers up. It would be too low if we rounded our numbers down. We then discussed the reasoning behind whether the sum/difference we find is reasonable. The sum/difference is considered reasonable if our answer is close to the estimate (ex. Estimate= 600, Answer = 618). It would not be reasonable if our answer was far off from our estimate.

We then continued with our subtraction using Friendly Numbers and Adding-on. While adding-on may take a little more work, it is an easier concept to grasp. Making friendly numbers can become a little confusing depending on which number from the question we make our friendly number (the "minuend" or the "subtrahend"). We will review these word concepts tomorrow.
Example: 856 - 209
Minuend is 856
Subtrahend is 209

* When we use friendly numbers we are encouraged to use the subtrahend as our "friendly number".
The operation is then the opposite when you have to solve the problem. Operation means: adding or subtracting

856 - 309 =
309 is 300 + 9
856 - 300 = 556
556 - 9 = 547

Adding on: Refer to image below



Inquiry into Language:
We continued to read Chapter 11 of our novel study: Summertime. We then worked on the worksheet where we had to discuss a little bit about each topic presented to us. In addition to this we have to solve the cookie problem Laura and Mary had (back of this page). Please use the book if we cannot recall events/information about those topics

Math: mental math worksheet. A little note was sent home so students remember how to do the "Making Friendly Numbers" when we subtract
Novel Study: Summertime worksheets mentioned above
Reading: Read for 25 minutes
Spelling: Spelling Lesson 3 due Thursday
Spelling Test Friday
Math Unit 1 Test Monday-- Review to go home Thursday/Friday of this week
UOI Unit Test Tuesday-- Review will go home Friday

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