Friday, February 28, 2020

SJA Basketball Team Tournament!

Try to make it our to support our SJA Basketball team at their tournament this weekend.
They are scheduled to play at 9:00 a.m & 1:00 am.!

Day 1! Jump Rope for Heart Day

Spirit Week Next week! Come dressed in the following for each day!
- Monday: P.J. Day
- Tuesday: Book/ Movie Character Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday/ Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday: Sports Day
- Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Music, French, Gym & Library
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 
Library with Mrs Hayward:

Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart donations are due March 6th. Don't forget to register and collect donations online for bonus prizes!
A group of girls in our class had the idea that they wanted to raise money for Sick Kids! With this idea, they decided to sell ballet's for $0.25 per ballet and each ballet would go into a box. Every Friday they will randomly select 3 names to win a prize from the prize box they created. The have donated and purchased prizes that the winner's would be able to pick from. In 5 days, they have raised just over $240.00!!!! I am so amazed at what they have raised so far and can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for them! 

Inquiry into Language
We took up our contraction worksheets from last week. We went through the list of contractions and made sure we made any corrections to the ones we got wrong. They students had an opportunity to work on the last two contraction worksheets in their duotang. 

At the end of the day, we went over some quotation rules such as where the comma belongs before or after a dialogue tag. We completed an example together where students had to turn a general statement into a quotation by imagining what they could hear the person in that statement actually saying. While thinking of the quotation, we had to be careful that our dialogue tag matched how the person delivered the information provided.

Unit of Inquiry
Students continued to work on their summatives today. Some of us have started to complete our trials where we test our devices to see if they actually work. If they do not work well, students had to think of what they would have to do to improve their devices function.

Jump Rope for Heart Event
This afternoon we participated in the Jump Rope for Hearts event! Unfortunately not all videos were able to upload, however let me know if you would like the video of your child jumping rope and I can send it to you!

Dance Party
We had such a terrific day and made good use of our time to ensure our classroom was cleaned up that we got to have a Dance Party! Can you tell that we love the song Dance Monkey oh so much?!?

- Read for 25 minutes
- Contractions worksheets (2 pages)
- Writing Sentences with Quotation Marks Worksheet
- Reading package with missing Quotations Worksheet
- P.J. Day on Monday!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day 6!

- Come to school in Gym Uniform TOMORROW for Jump Rope Event

Spirit Week:
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK! Take a look at the schedule below to see what is happening each day!
- Monday: P.J. Day
- Tuesday: Book/ Movie Character Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday/ Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday: Sports Day
- Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Music, French, Gym & Library
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 
Library with Mrs Hayward:

Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart donations are due March 6th. Don't forget to register and collect donations online for bonus prizes!
Inquiry into Language
Students reviewed the peer feedback and corrections they got on their narrative before they completed their OWA. For their OWA, students had to write a narrative about the day they became invisible. Once they finished, students picked a book to silent read.

Inquiry into Math
As a class we went through the online probability activities to explain what they have to do when they went off on their own. The website to access these activities is If your child would like to practice more activities from this website at home, that would be great practice! There are also other educational activities on that website.

Unit of Inquiry 
Students continued to work on their summative tasks today. All of them have begun to build their devices. 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling + Sentences due tomorrow
- Math pgs. 180 & 181 due tomorrow
- Bring in any additional supplies needed for their summative

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Day 5!

- Come to school in Gym Uniform on Friday for Jump Rope Event

Spirit Week:
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK! Take a look at the schedule below to see what is happening each day!
- Monday: P.J. Day
- Tuesday: Book/ Movie Character Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday/ Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday: Sports Day
- Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Music, French, Gym & Library
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 
Library with Mrs Hayward:

Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart donations are due March 6th. Don't forget to register and collect donations online for bonus prizes!
Anti-bullying Activity
Today was anti-bullying day! In the morning we had a presentation on how Pink Shirt Day originated. In class, we brainstormed ideas on what we can do if we are getting bullied or if we see someone getting bullied. In addition to this, some students shared some of their experiences when they've gotten bullied in the past and how this made them feel. We had some good discussions from this. Students created a hand with some sort of saying on it relating to bullying prevention/ advice you can give to others if they're getting bullied.

Inquiry into Language
Students continued with peer-editing a peer's narrative using the checklist provided. Students will have an opportunity to look at this feedback tomorrow to see what they could have done to further develop their narrative.

Unit of Inquiry
Students continued to work on their summative packages before they were able to begin constructing their devices. Students are asked to bring in most summative supplies by tomorrow as they will begin building their devices.

Inquiry into Math
Students worked on colouring in a spinner today to prepare us for our unit on probability. They had to colour two spinners using 3-5 colours. 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 23 + Sentences
- Jump Rope donations due March 6th

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Day 4!

- Pink Shirt Day TOMORROW
- Bake Sale continues tomorrow
- Come to school in Gym Uniform on Friday for Jump Rope Event

March Lunches
The lunch site is still open!
It will close TOMORROW at 3:00pm sharp
Special of the month: French Toast with Whipped Cream and Syrup
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by March 6th.

Spirit Week:
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK! Take a look at the schedule below to see what is happening each day!
- Monday: P.J. Day
- Tuesday: Book/ Movie Character Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday/ Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday: Sports Day
- Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Caribou Math Contest:
This message is only for those participating in the Caribou Math Contest. 
The next Caribou contest will be taking place Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. Students are to arrive at 7:15 am for a 7:30 am start. They should bring their own charged devices.
The interactive question for Grades 2-10 will be Bomb Defuser and for Grade 11/12 it will be GeomeTree requiring a construction involving lines and circles. Because Caribou’s GeomeTree site can be used to solve the interactive question, this site will be blocked at noon on Tuesday, February 25th. Both interactive questions are accessible from Caribou’s Games/History page.

Music, French, Gym & Library
Check out the blogs below to see what your child has been learning during Music, French and Gym!
French with Mme. Rawan:
Music with Mrs. McMillan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 
Library with Mrs Hayward:

Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart donations are due March 6th. Don't forget to register and collect donations online for bonus prizes!
Unit of Inquiry
Students got into their groups to continue working on their graphic organizers for their summatives. They all discussed the materials they would need to begin building their device and are asked to start bringing these in tomorrow so they can begin building their device. It would be ideal if student's could have their materials brought in by Thursday so they can continue building their device. 

Inquiry into Math
Students completed their decimals math test today! Their fractions test will be coming home tomorrow.

Inquiry into Language
We learned all about peer editing today! As a class we went through a powerpoint to learn the three components of peer editing: compliments, suggestions and corrections.
Compliments: This is where students identify some of the things their peer did well in their writing. These need to be specific to their ideas, sentences and vocabulary used.
Suggestions: This is where students provide some suggestions on how their peers can improve their writing. These are also specific and related to sentence structure and order, vocabulary, ideas and understanding of the task. 
Corrections: This is where students are correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization mistakes. They also remove and add words that to affect the meaning of what the writer is trying to say.
Later on in the day students were given a peer's narrative to begin to edit. We didn't have much time to dive into this, however they will pick up from where they left off first thing in the morning. 
Students had some silent and partner reading time today. They also had a visit to the library with Ms. Hayward.

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 23 + Sentences
- Bring in Summative supplies tomorrow and the rest of the week