Thursday, October 31, 2019

Day 4- Halloween!

- Scrapbook supplies for summative due tomorrow
- Pizza Party tomorrow
- Division Test Monday

Lost and Found Missing Items
We have gone through the lost and found and sorted items on carts in the Gym. Please come and check out these carts before November 8th as all left over items will be donated to the Salvation Army after this date. 

Happy Halloween!
This afternoon we watched Transylvania 2 as our Fall Fundraiser Movie day reward. While watching this we indulged on some delicious snacks, then our friends who had goody bags to give out did so.

Inquiry into Language
Together we read the very last chapter of our novel study. Once we finished reading it, students began to write their summaries of the chapter. Before they put pencil to paper, I had them whisper what happened in the summary to themselves, then they could move on to writing it. If they finished their summary, they moved on to responding to the comprehension questions.

Unit of Inquiry
Today's discussion was a continuation on self-esteem and other factors that can contribute to a high or low self-esteem, and what could result if we have a high or low self-esteem. We learned about self-talk and how there is positive self talk (I like the outfit I'm wearing) and negative self-talk (this outfit looks horrible on me). While discussing some scenarios of each, we talked about how we can turn a negative self-talk scenario into a positive one.

We also discussed how social media can influence our self-esteem based on what we see and hear, and how this information can influence how we think about ourselves. It's important to look at social media with a critical eye and remember that what you see and hear on their is only glimpse of what those people actually experience. Lastly, we discussed how it's important to be ourselves and recognize our worth. It's important to not compare ourselves to others and let others actions influence our own actions and beliefs. We need to think what is best for ourselves and act in a manner that suites what is best for us.

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math review due tomorrow
- Lesson 8 + Sentences due tomorrow
- French due tomorrow
- Novel study package due Monday
- Scrapbook supplies due tomorrow
- Math test Monday

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Day 3!

- Halloween/ Fall Spirit Day tomorrow
- Scrapbook supplies for summative due tomorrow
- Pizza Party on Friday
- Division Test Monday

Halloween/ Fall Spirit Day
Tomorrow is Halloween Dress-Up/ Fall Spirit Day. Children can dress in their costumes or fall spirit colours if they don't have a costume. Please ensure no scary masks or weapons come to school. 

Lost and Found Missing Items
We have gone through the lost and found and sorted items on carts in the Gym. Please come and check out these carts before November 8th as all left over items will be donated to the Salvation Army after this date. 

Inquiry into Language
This morning students finished up their summaries from Chapter 12, then did some silent reading until all groups were done. Once all groups finished, we read through each summary as a class and highlighted the summary specific skills they did well: included transition words, only wrote about the important events, included important details, used punctuation and capitalization. While doing so, we also talked about information that was in the summaries to explain why it wasn't important to include that piece of information. The thinking question I often refer to is "If that information is important to the events that happened in the story, then that is important to include." If it's just a piece of information that elaborates on an event, but we don't necessarily need to know that information in order to understand what was happening in the story, then we don't need to include it.

Unit of Inquiry
Today we learned all about what self-esteem is and how it affects our well-being. We gathered together on the carpet as I read through an article that explained what self-esteem is, how the thoughts and behaviours of people with poor self-esteem differ from those who have high self-esteem, and how self-esteem develops. We also talked about what smugness is: having too much self-esteem (bragging). We went through some statements together to determine whether the person who said this statement demonstrated smugness or self-esteem. Then students came up with their own statements to share and the rest of the class had to determine whether they were demonstrating smugness or self-esteem. Throughout these discussions, we had the opportunity to reflect on our thoughts and behaviours to recognize if we have ever been smug, and when we may show that we have a high-self esteem and times when our self-esteem may be low. 

Inquiry into Math
Today we learned how to take our 2-by-1 long division one step further by looking at how we solve 3-by-1 questions. We did some examples together, then students went off to work on their worksheet.
Some things to remember:
- When using long or short division, if your remainder is more than your divisor, then you need to keep dividing until your remainder is less than your divisor. (This was a common error today, especially when our dividend was 3 digits)
- Always make sure that you are lining up your digits. (ex. If you divide 49 by 7, your quotient should go above the 9 since that is the last place value of the digit you are dividing)
- The steps to follow are: divide, multiply, subtract and bring down. (emphasized in the video below)

Music, French and Gym
Check out the blogs below to see what your child did during Gym and French
French with Mme. Rawan:
Gym with Ms. Vasconcelos: 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 8 + Sentences
- Math Review due Friday (try to get it done tonight since tomorrow is Halloween)
- Math worksheet: first 3 rows
- My Stinking Thinking Worksheet

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Day 2!

- Bake Sale tomorrow 
- Casual Day tomorrow
- Halloween/ Fall Spirit Day Thursday
- Scrapbook supplies for summative due THURSDAY
- Division Test Monday

Lost and Found Missing Items
We have gone through the lost and found and sorted items on carts in the Gym. Please come and check out these carts before November 8th as all left over items will be donated to the Salvation Army after this date. 

Lunch Orders
The lunch website will close October 30th @ 3:00 P.M. 
Special of the month: Chicken Stir Fry which is available every Friday
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by November 6th.

Inquiry into Language
This morning we read Chapter 12 of our novel study, "The Wonderful Machine." Once we finished reading this, students broke out into their summary writing groups to write a summary on this chapter. From what I have heard so far, it sounds like these summaries are going be written much better than the previous ones.

Inquiry into Math
In Math, we learned how to use both long division and short division to solve division questions. As a class, we went through the steps together, and talked about how the colour the digit is written in matches the colour of the step. Once we went through one example together, students worked on their whiteboards to answer the questions on the board. Some of the students grasped at least one of these strategies really quickly. For those who did grasp how to use the strategies, and finished before their peers, I had them go and teach a peer who was struggling. Eventually it got to the point where there were several students who were able to go around and teach others since they learned how to do it from another classmate of theirs. Tomorrow we will continue with doing some examples together, then students will go off to solve questions on their own.

Unit of Inquiry
We learned all about our values today! Values are traits or qualities that are considered important to oneself. Our values direct how we live our day-to-day lives by influencing the choices we make. Using the questions below, students reflected on which values reflect themselves by thinking of these questions when they thought about each quality listed. Students had to shade which traits represent their values, then had to identify their top 3 values and explain the importance of those 3 values. Students then began to work on their values compass, which will be going into their scrapbook.

Check out what your child did during French today by visiting Mme. Rawan's blog:

- All About Me worksheet
- Read for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 8 + Sentences
- Return UOI summative letter signed
- Math test Monday
- Scrapbook supplies due Thursday

Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 1!

- Picture Day Tomorrow
- Bake Sale tomorrow and Wednesday
- Casual Day Wednesday
- Halloween/ Fall Spirit Day Thursday

Lost and Found Missing Items
We have gone through the lost and found and sorted items on carts in the Gym. Please come and check out these carts before November 8th as all left over items will be donated to the Salvation Army after this date. 

Lunch Orders
The lunch website will close October 30th @ 3:00 P.M. 
Special of the month: Chicken Stir Fry which is available every Friday
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by November 6th.

Inquiry into Language
This morning we didn't have any time to start our spelling as we reviewed the summaries the students wrote on Friday for Chapter 11 of our novel study. As a class, we read through one summary at a time, discussing some stars (things they did well) and some wishes (things they can improve on). The students were able to identify accurate stars and wishes for each summary. I felt that they were very receptive of the feedback they got from their peers, and hopefully they use this when they go off to write the Chapter 12 summary in the same groups later this week.
As for spelling, this week we will not have a spelling test on Friday. Instead, they will have to write a sentence for each of their list words in their pink notebook. All sentences must have 8 or more words, and the word needs to be used in the correct tense (ex. "play"-- in the sentence it cannot say "played")
 Level C words (Above)
Level B Words (above)
Unit of Inquiry
Today we discussed what our summative for this unit will be. This unit is a little different as our summative will be worked on throughout this unit. For this unit, students will be creating a scrapbook in class that reflects what they have learned from this unit and about themselves. Today we completed one of our reflective pieces regarding our "strengths and abilities," which will go into our scrapbook once we begin to put these together. We read a little passage that discussed the difference between strengths and abilities and came up with quite a few examples together. After this, students got to decorate a star of their own with all of their strengths and abilities. Later on today, they had an opportunity to go around and write some of their peers strengths and abilities for them to look at and reflect on since sometimes our friends notice things that we may not notice or think about ourselves.

Inquiry into Math
We reviewed what division with remainders means and emphasized the importance of interpreting what a question is asking, along with what each value in the division sentence represents (ex. 7R3). We completed some examples together that were on their worksheet and even looked at different ways to solve these. Once we completed these examples together, students worked on the remaining questions. As you can see from one of the examples below, the picture we originally drew did not represet the question as he had "9 buckets in each package" but originally we drew 9 buckets. To help them get a clearer understanding, we went back to draw an accurate representation of the information that the problem provided us with. 

- Read for 25 minutes
- Math remainder worksheet
- Spelling Lesson 8  + Sentences

Friday, October 25, 2019

Day 6!

- Field trip forms and $28 due Monday

Lost and Found Missing Items
We have gone through the lost and found and sorted items on carts in the Gym. Please come and check out these carts before November 8th as all left over items will be donated to the Salvation Army after this date. 

Field Trip Info
We will be beginning our next unit later this week, which revolves around well-being and mindfulness. Our Field trip for this unit will involve 4 Yoga sessions by a professional instructor, which will take place at St. Jude's. The forms went home today; the permission form and $28 is due by Monday, October 21st.

Lunch Orders
The lunch website will close October 30th @ 3:00 P.M. 
Special of the month: Chicken Stir Fry which is available every Friday
All payments are to be made through quickbooks by November 6th.

Inquiry into Language
We began by completing our Lesson 7 spelling test. Once students were finished writing their test they picked a book to silent read. After all students were done, we reflected on what happened in the last chapter of our novel study, then read the next chapter. Once we finished reading the 11th chapter "Harvest," the students were put into groups and had to work on summarizing the text read. While they were doing this, I walked around to listen in on conversations that were happening. When they all finished their summaries, I had them read them to me individually. There were large differences between the summaries that were written. We are going to look at these on Monday and discuss what was done well and what we could improve on so that we know for next time we do this for the next chapter. 

Inquiry into Math
Today we looked at division with remainders. Remainders are the amount of something that is left over. When solving division questions with a remainder, it's important to interpret two things:
1) What does the quotient represent?
2) What does the remainder represent?
In addition to this, you have to carefully read the questions to see what information it provides you with, along with what exactly it is asking you for.  
Depending on the context of the question, you may need to increase your quotient since you need to have enough of something for all individuals involved. The example above is a perfect example of when this would happen.

After we completed some examples together, students were put into groups to go and complete 4 questions together. The goal of this group task was to bounce knowledge off each other to help further develop their knowledge and thinking process when solving similar questions. After they finished this group task, students began to work on their homework worksheet.

- Math remainders word problems
- Read for 25 minutes
- UOI: Self-awareness worksheet, self rating scales worksheets
- Practice all multiplication tables
- Field trip forms and money due Monday