Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28th, 2018

Inquiry into Language:
We started our day with our final Chapter in our Novel Study, which had a happy ending. We really want to continue with this book series and may do so through a read aloud time during our Language periods. Students then worked on the "Every Child Matters" ring to add to our link chain around the school in remembrance of those who experienced Residential Schools.


Language Continued:
We completed our spelling test today. We are working on how to organize our writing in our notebooks. Once this was done we brainstormed what it means to be a "good reader". We have a good idea of what we should be doing, look like and sound like in order to be a "good reader". Below is a list of the ideas we came up with as a class. This will be put up in our classroom. Next week students will be told what their reading levels are and will begin exploring books at those levels.


Inquiry into Math:
In addition to working on our math test review today, we looking at how we can demonstrate "problem-solving skills" for the subtraction questions we had in yesterdays game. In this activity we kept the incorrect answers we did for each question and crossed them out so that we know what numbers didn't work for us so we don't try to do this again. Once we got it then we would double check it to make sure it was correct. We made such great progress from yesterday in regards to our attitudes towards completing these challenging problems and the steps we took!  There was so much excitement when we solved one on our own.

** Most of us were okay with the review, which is great. For those who have some trouble with it this weekend, I recommend looking over the work we have done throughout the unit (in their duo tangs) and possibly rewrite some of these examples to help us review the concepts.

Unit of Inquiry:
Today we read a story called "Stolen Words" which is the experience of a little girl wanting to know how to say words in their language, however her granddad explains how he doesn't know as his words were stolen from him in school. This relates to our discussion on the experiences of those who went to Residential schools and how it affected their lives. Students then came up with questions they would ask an individual who attended a residential school if they had an interview with them. Some of these questions were:
- What was the worst part about Residential Schools?
- What language did you speak before you forgot it?
- How did it feel to forget your language?
- How long did it take you to learn the new language taught to you at Residential schools?
- What was life like at residential schools?
- How did you feel without your family?
- How did you feel without your religion?
- What were the chores you had to do?
- What was your favourite and hardest subject?
- Do you remember how to say hello in your language?

RECESS/LUNCH -- We had a practice fire drill today.


- Math: Test on Monday-- Review is also due on Monday
- UOI: Review for Test on Tuesday due Monday
- Reading: Read for 25 minutes
** International day research is due MONDAY for those who did not bring it in today. We will begin working on it in class so it needs to be here by then.
** Field Trip forms & money due by Thursday, October 4th

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 27th, 2018


Terry Fox Run:
Right after French we participated in our Terry Fox Run. 


Inquiry into Math:
In math we reviewed the Stretch Your Thinking Question they had at the bottom of yesterdays homework sheet. This activity required them to apply what they learned about the Checking strategy to solve this question in a variety of ways. At first we were just thinking of numbers with no strategy of how to do so, however once they were shown how to approach the problem they used this strategy. It was great to see them recognize their own mistakes in their problem as they were explaining their steps to the class. Instead of having someone else fix it for them, the students fixed their own mistakes so that the learning happened.

We then went on to play a Scoot subtraction game. This was a little challenging for us as it had us work with digits provided, which we had to arrange into a "minuend" and "subtrahend" in order for us to reach the difference at the bottom. The most challenging part was recognizing how regrouping may need to happen in order to solve these problems. We will review some of these tomorrow as I want us to see how we can approach similar problems in the future by "trail-and-error". 

A math review was handed out for our test on Monday (put in our math duo tang). This review is due on Monday, however I would like for all families to read through this with their child tonight to ensure they understand what they have to do. If there are questions that they do not remember how to approach or have difficulty understanding what to do, the students are to put a star beside these questions. To teach them how they are responsible for their learning, students are to come to me tomorrow and ask me for help with those questions. I will not be going to them. There is a success criteria at the top of this review, if students can check all or almost all of these off, they will be ready for the test on Monday.

Inquiry into Language: Novel Study
As a class we read the next chapter of our novel study and discussed how some of these events related to the information we have learned in our UOI about wheat and paying workers for the work they did.


Unit of Inquiry:
We did a mini review using chart paper and partner collaboration. Around the classroom we had 5 pieces of chart paper, each with their own topic. When told to move to the next sheet, partners moved to add information about the topic at the top of that sheet. In order to do so they had to read what was already written, then add new information they knew. The topics were "Pioneer Animals, children and transportation, food, hunting and fishing, and trading. They all worked very well together communicating their ideas. Then we joined Ms. Chiappetta's class for a read aloud of the book called "When I was Eight." This is based on the true story of the treatment a little girl received when she attended a Residential school. 

- Math: Review our test review with children to ensure they understand the concepts they will be tested on. Begin math review-- bring back to school tomorrow
- International Day Research Due tomorrow!!
- Spelling Test Tomorrow 
- Math test Monday
- UOI test Tuesday-- Review will be sent home tomorrow
** Field trip forms for Pioneer Village were sent home today!! Forms + Money are due by Thursday, October 4th. If you'd like to volunteer to attend this trip with us it is a first-come, first-served basis. 
Orange Shirt Day tomorrow-- if you're wearing an orange shirt (NOT Kappa related) you are allowed to wear casual pants. If not participating then full uniform is required.